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THE CSMON-LIFE PROJECT is the first LIFE project of citizen science on biodiversity that has involved citizens in the study, management and conservation of biodiversity, creating an active collaboration between citizens, the scientific community and institutions. Ecolinfa experts have contributed to the achievement of the results of the following campaigns and have supported the administrative management of the project.

Global warming campaign


The main aim was to raise citizen awareness on climate change, one of the most relevant environmental issues facing our society today. It is necessary to raise awareness and collect scientifically validated information in order to support appropriate policies for the conservation of rare and threatened species and the control of invasive species under current climate change. The final results of the campaign have allowed a better understanding of which species will be potentially favored by climate change and which will not.

Citizens engaged

More than 4000 users have collected  over  10,000 observations, that refer to the 66 target species of the CSMON-Life project.

Results achieved

Once the occurrences data collected by volunteer citizens were made available, a standard procedure  was carried out to elaborate species’ ecological niche and five Habitat Suitability maps for each species

Alien species campaign


Organizing dozens of events open to the public to raise awareness of the problem and the risks represented by the presence and diffusion of alien and invasive species throughout the territory of the Region of Lazio. Channeling citizens’ attention to alien species, both animal and vegetable, including the rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri); the red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans), the red shrimp of Louisiana (Procambarus clarkii), the palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus), the Hottentot-fig (Carpobrotus edulis).

Citizens engaged

About 5000 citizens, as well as about 2000 students.

Results achieved

The events were named Scoprinatura and Bioblitz and saw the involvement of many groups of citizens, from primary schools to specialists, from enthusiasts to decision-makers. Collected data has enabled the development of distribution maps and modeling potential spread maps which demonstrate that the problem of alien species is particularly felt today in urban areas but that this situation could turn around in the medium term and affect the biodiversity values of the areas of greater naturalness.

Main achievements

CSMON has contributed to promoting a national movement for the development of citizen science activities to monitor biodiversity, laying the foundations for an active community of citizens, researchers and decision makers.

  • CSMON has established a solid data validation protocol, a key factor for research and for the development of new environmental policies.
  • Thanks to the engagement of local institutions and organizations as an element of contact between citizens and science, activities carried out by the project can be transformed into concrete actions.
  • Conveying Data to the National Biodiversity Network of the Ministry of the Environment boosts the results achieved and returns value to the citizen.
  • CSMON has proved to be a project of extensive replication in term of approaches, technologies and protocols.