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Climate change is intensifying, along with climate disasters

Despite recent progress made in #DRR, the danger of leaving hundreds of communities behind is still real. How can we build resilient communities? You can find more in the video that showcase the relationship and impact of early warning systems on reducing disaster risk.

Climate change is intensifying, along with climate disasters! The Southern Africa region is occasionally affected by disasters such as Floods and Cyclones. Moreover, the lack of coping capacity against disasters puts the region at high vulnerability against disasters. It is essential to understand the current status and what are the necessary actions to be taken to reduce the vulnerability.

Between July and October 2021, Ecolinfa (a multidisciplinary consultancy company of the SETIN group) was responsible for the survey on plans and policies, financed by several donors (GEF, GCF, EU, etc.), related to Disaster Risk Reduction and the vulnerability that the target sectors have against disasters in Mozambique.

More information on Ecolinfa can be found here.