As mentioned in the previous article, the “Transforming productivity in Palau’s food systems through nature positive innovations” GEF Child Project is developed under the GEF funded Blue and Green Islands Integrated Program (BGI IP). The objectives of the Project Preparatory Grant (PPG) Phase are to review and collect further information, engage stakeholders, conduct consultations, and synthesize the received guidance with international best practices to develop the project document as compliant with GEF, IUCN and participating national government requirements.
IUCN, the GEF Agency/Implementing Partner chosen by the Republic of Palau National Government, has contracted SETIN srl to develop the key outputs of the PPG phase. At this stage, part of the SETIN team is in Palau to meet relevant stakeholders and visit the project sites.
The Inception workshop held at the Palaris Hotel, in Koror, on Tuesday, 30 January 2024, is also one of the key activities that will be conducted early in the PPG phase to provide a timely opportunity for stakeholder consultation, discussion and inputs. The meeting is one of three workshops planned to be held during the PPG phase.

A diverse number of stakeholders who can be involved in supporting the PPG phase and the implementation of this project attended the Inception Workshop. Participants included the GEF Operational Focal Point (OFP) of the Republic of Palau (ROP), the Executing Agency (Office of Budget and Planning), the main government institutions expected to be involved in implementation, specialized technical and development agencies, NGOs and CBOs relevant to the project theme, traditional and women, the private sector, and other key partners.
The Inception Workshop was a true success! It provided a great opportunity to reiterate GEF/IUCN priorities and Palau’s priorities, introduce key components for project development, agree on the PPG Workplan, and gather important inputs for project design.