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Alignment of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan with the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework in Samoa

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), in partnership with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Secretariat and with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), are implementing the Global Biodiversity Framework Early Action Support (GBF-EAS) Project.

The GBF-EAS Project, spanning two years from mid-2023, seeks to ensure that the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and related policies in Samoa are harmonized with the post-2020 GBF. This alignment will enhance the coherence and effectiveness of Samoa’s biodiversity conservation efforts, fostering sustainable development and ecological resilience.

The project consists of four key components:

  1. Rapid review of NBSAP for alignment with the post-2020 GBF
  2. Assessment of monitoring systems
  3. Policy and institutional alignment and review for coherence with Global Biodiversity Framework
  4. Biodiversity Finance Activities

The primary objective is to accelerate the readiness and early actions necessary for implementing the post-2020 GBF by aligning national targets and policy frameworks with the new global standards.

The specific objectives of this assignment include:

  • Review and Update of NBSAP and National Targets: Providing technical assistance to update Samoa’s NBSAP and national targets, ensuring alignment with the post-2020 GBF.
  • Assessment of National Monitoring Systems: Evaluating existing monitoring systems and formulating an action plan to enhance biodiversity monitoring and data collection.
  • Policy and Institutional Alignment and Review: Conducting a comprehensive review of national policies and institutions, and developing an action plan to achieve coherence with the GBF.

The UNDP Country Office (CO) in Samoa, in collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE), will implement these components. The Division of Environment and Conservation (DEC) under MNRE is designated as the national focal point, leading the project on behalf of the Government of Samoa.

SETIN has been contracted by the UNDP Samoa Country Office to execute this assignment. Leading the charge is Gianluca Serra MSc/PhD, supported by our expert team members Giacomo Cozzolino, Alessandro Piazzi, and Carlos Albuquerque.

Under the guidance of the UNDP MCO Assistant Resident Representative (ARR-ECCR) and the GBF EAS Project Manager-Samoa (ACEO-DEC), the project team will:

  • Provide technical expertise for the review and analysis of NBSAP and related policies.
  • Engage in consultations with key stakeholders to incorporate their input into the project.
  • Contribute to the development of action plans and frameworks that support the project’s objectives.

By aligning Samoa’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan with the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, this project aims to fortify Samoa’s biodiversity conservation efforts. The collaboration between UNDP, UNEP, the CBD Secretariat, and the Government of Samoa exemplifies a unified commitment to safeguarding biodiversity for future generations, promoting sustainable development, and enhancing ecological resilience.