As an integral part of our corporate philosophy, we allocate a portion of our profits to LVIA – Lay Volunteers International Association. LVIA is an Italian association which deals with international solidarity and cooperation, committed to fostering ways of local and global change to overcome extreme poverty, reinforce equitable and sustainable development and enhance dialogue between Italian and African communities.
SETIN’s contribution is being used to create “Green Perimeters”, an initiative aimed at revitalizing the environment by encouraging the growth of spontaneous trees in areas heavily impacted by human activity. This initiative focuses on the villages of Mpasse, Blaftchur, and Uncur in the Encheia region of the Oio sector, where deforestation has left the landscape barren.
The initiative started with the distribution of educational materials in Creole, the local language. These materials provided detailed guidance on how to establish and maintain these green perimeters, including information on the types of plants suitable for propagation, such as Azadirachta indica, Spondias mombim, and Moringa oleifera. Through the LVIA facilitator active in the Encheia area, five farmers were identified who, after the rains began, collected, prepared, and planted the 80 cuttings required per perimeter.

As the first phase of the project wraps up, LVIA has begun the initial payments for the construction of these five perimeters. Regular monitoring will start this month (August 2024) to ensure that the plants are thriving and to replace any that haven’t taken root.
The impact of this project goes beyond environmental restoration. The green perimeters serve as a symbol of hope and a legacy for future generations.