As part of our ongoing commitment to biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resource management in Guinea-Bissau, we are pleased to announce the successful completion of the Validation Workshop for the GEF project “Promoting and Strengthening Effective Conservation of the Cantanhez Primary Forests.”
Held in Bissau on the 21st of March 2025, coinciding with the International Day of Forests, this workshop marked a critical milestone in the project development process. It aimed to validate the project’s Theory of Change, Logical Framework, and Structural Components, while fostering strong alignment and ownership among all key stakeholders.
The project was introduced by the Minister of Environment, His Excellency Eng. Viriato Cassamá, in the presence of Aissa Regalla, Director of IBAP. The project was then presented by Jean Louis Sanka (IUCN), and Dario Cesarini, Fernando Biag and Giacomo Cozzolino (SETIN).
The event brought together representatives from IBAP, DGOT, DGFF, the Cantanhez National Park team, community leaders, civil society organizations, and national and international partners.
Key outcomes of the workshop included:
- Participatory validation of the Theory of Change and core project components, based on a Rapid Participatory Assessment of forest cover loss in Cantanhez National Park.
- Consolidation of the five main project components: institutional capacity building, participatory forest conservation and sustainable livelihoods, transboundary cooperation, knowledge and communication, and monitoring & evaluation.
- Alignment and endorsement of participatory land-use planning strategies and inclusive forest governance frameworks.
- Confirmation of the project’s expected results, including the restoration of over 15,000 ha of forest, an improved METT score for the park, and direct benefits for nearly 51,000 individuals.
Participation in the Validation Workshop was limited to project partners who have actively contributed to the development phase and/or will be involved in the implementation of GEF-funded activities.
The overarching goal of the project is to protect and strengthen the effective governance of the Cantanhez primary forest and adjacent landscapes, generating both local and global environmental benefits, and ensuring the continued flow of vital ecosystem services for community well-being.