Australia’s Great Barrier Reef extends for more than 2 kilometers, covering an approximate area of 340 000 square kilometers, making it the largest coral reef system in the world. Designated as a World Heritage Site since 1981, is threatened by the climate crisis that has caused six coral bleaching events in its waters since 1998. The magnificent reef is home to thousands of marine species, hosting over 411 hard coral species and 1,500 types of fish. However, for several years, it
The presence and preservation of nature are fundamental to maintaining environmental balance and human survival. Wetlands, forests, grasslands, and marine habitats play a crucial role in regulating climate and preserving biodiversity. However, it is worrying to note that 80% of European nature is in a state of degradation. In this context, the EU Nature Restoration Law, adopted by the European Parliament on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, by 336 votes to 300 with 13 abstentions, paves the way for even greater action
There is an urgent need to increase financing for biodiversity, given its intrinsic value, its critical role for Indigenous Peoples and local communities, for national economies, for food security and for its contribution to addressing climate goals. The One Forest Summit held in Libreville in March 2023 gave significant attention to biodiversity credits, including biodiversity-positive carbon credits. Discussions were informed by a high-level report entitled ‘Innovative Finance for Nature and People: Opportunities and Challenges for Biodiversity-Positive Carbon Credits and Nature Certificates’,
Our team-building event was at Piano dell’Osso and Monte Livata, in the Monti Simbruini Regional Park. We did some hiking, had lunch, shared projects and assignments, and suggestions/discussions to improve even further. The day was filled with valuable conversations and an opportunity to learn more about each other. All Setin Environment team worked together in a fantastic gathering, to improve communications skills, exchange knowledge and experience, and improve the performance of the company and team members. This fun event was a testament
After more than 15 years of discussions, the United Nations has adopted, on June 19, 2023, the first-ever international treaty to govern the high seas and protect remote ecosystems vital to humanity. This historic agreement aims to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction, which cover over two-thirds of the ocean. Iconic marine species like whales, sharks, turtles, and tuna range freely between national waters and the high seas. The current low level of protection
For decades, countries across the Global South have been calling on rich countries to accept responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions that have increased global temperatures and resulted in irreversible damage across the world. Finally, at the 2022 UNFCCC conference of the parties (COP27), world leaders agreed to a dedicated “loss and damage” fund providing financial assistance to poor nations affected by climate disasters. The key rationale for providing reparations related to loss and damage from climate change is based on justice.
The Abruzzo National Park is one of the oldest in Italy. The park is the leader of the UNESCO site of the Beech Forests of Europe. More information about UNESCO Beech Forest can be found here. UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Founded on 16 November 1945 in Paris, it seeks to build peace and mutual understanding among countries through the promotion of education, science, culture, communication, and information. The site Ancient and Primeval Beech
The Abruzzo National Park is one of the oldest in Italy. The first proposal for the establishment of the park was drawn up in 1917 by the National Parks Commission of the Pro-Montibus Federation. Here more information about the Park. According to the Framework Law on Protected Areas (Law no. 394 of 6-12-1991), the Park Plan is the instrument that each Park Authority must have to manage its territory, in order to guarantee the conservation and enhancement of
This month, the ocean experienced rapid warming, with the global sea surface registering a new high temperature. This phenomenon is alarming scientists, as they do not fully understand why this is happening and have never seen such a large and rapid warming. Furthermore, the combination of this phenomenon with other meteorological phenomena could lead to an alarming rise in global temperature by the end of next year. Moreover, experts believe that, in the coming months, a strong El Niño weather
Invasive alien species (IAS) are animals and plants that are introduced accidentally or deliberately into a natural environment where they are not normally found, with serious negative consequences for their new environment. They are a major threat to native plants and animals in Europe and are one of the five major causes of biodiversity loss. They can also cause significant adverse impacts on the economy (their economic impact in the European Union (EU) was estimated at around EUR 12 billion