“Nature provides innumerable services that underpin food security, human well-being and indeed, the global economy” says the UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), recognizing biodiversity has intrinsic and cultural values beyond economics. The UNEP-WCMC has recently supported the elaboration of the global map of natural capital, which includes assets such as freshwater resources, soil quality, organic carbon, terrestrial and marine biodiversity, and global fish catch (as a proxy for marine fish stocks). The report builds on
Accordingly to the World Bank, Natural capital is a critical asset, especially for developing countries where it makes up a significant share (36%) of total wealth. The World Bank does not limit its action to scientific and technical papers elaboration, like the well-know “Where is the Wealth of the Nation” ? An important international initiative is WAVES , the Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services, a World Bank-led global partnership that aims to promote
The Natural Capital has a significant value and it can be expressed in terms of ecosystem services’ significance. In 1997 Robert Costanza and colleagues first estimated that ecosystem services worldwide are worth an average $33 trillion annually ($44 trillion in 2014’s dollars), nearly twice the global GNP of around $18 trillion ($24 trillion in 2014’s dollars). In 2014, Costanza and colleagues have reviewed this assessment, and they estimated that ecosystem services in 2011 worth $ 41.6, $4
A seminar on PES was held on June 20 in Rome. Representatives from the Lazio Region, ONG Legambiente, Roma Natura, ISPRA, Lands, Isole Egadi MPA and Fondazione Montagne Italia were among the speakers. Giacomo from Ecolinfa talked about his international experience on PES and launched the Italian Alliance for Ecosystem Services. Cozzolino_SE_20giugno
The IES alliance was launched in Rome, during the seminar on ecosystem services which took place on the 20th of June. IES Alliance was born thanks to the activities of Ecolinfa and Lands. The main objectives of the Alliance are to create a network on this topic and a point of reference for the development of scientific approaches and operational methodologies, to encourage the adoption of specific policies and to support public institutions, economic operators and the
The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is funding a project on the mangrove rise in Guinea-Bissau including, inter alia, the technical support to promote carbon compensation PES mechanisms. Giacomo provided a specific guide to promote the PES in the Country and a one-week training course for IBAP (Institute for Biodiversity and Protected Areas) public officers.
In 2015 the Italian Parliament approved law n. 221, concerning the green economy and the sustainable use of natural resources. This law delegates the Government to adopt one or more decrees to introduce a Payment for Ecosystem Services (Pagamenti dei Servizi Ecosistemici e Ambientali – PSEA) system into the Italian legislation. Even if the Italian Government has not still adopted the mentioned decrees, Law n. 221 provides some specific elements to orient the PES policy in Italy:
Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor. Donec ornare, est sed tincidunt placerat, sem mi suscipit mi, at varius enim sem at sem. Fusce tempus ex nibh, eget vulputate ligula ornare eget. Nunc facilisis erat at ligula blandit tempor. Mauris iaculis magna ipsum, sit amet pretium risus dictum cursus. Morbi id massa sed risus eleifend rutrum. Mauris lorem diam, fermentum sed lorem ac, maximus efficitur sapien. Aenean condimentum ornare
Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor. Donec ornare, est sed tincidunt placerat, sem mi suscipit mi, at varius enim sem at sem. Fusce tempus ex nibh, eget vulputate ligula ornare eget. Nunc facilisis erat at ligula blandit tempor. Mauris iaculis magna ipsum, sit amet pretium risus dictum cursus. Morbi id massa sed risus eleifend rutrum. Mauris lorem diam, fermentum sed lorem ac, maximus efficitur sapien. Aenean condimentum ornare
Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor. Donec ornare, est sed tincidunt placerat, sem mi suscipit mi, at varius enim sem at sem. Fusce tempus ex nibh, eget vulputate ligula ornare eget. Nunc facilisis erat at ligula blandit tempor. Mauris iaculis magna ipsum, sit amet pretium risus dictum cursus. Morbi id massa sed risus eleifend rutrum. Mauris lorem diam, fermentum sed lorem ac, maximus efficitur sapien. Aenean condimentum ornare