Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor. Donec ornare, est sed tincidunt placerat, sem mi suscipit mi, at varius enim sem at sem. Fusce tempus ex nibh, eget vulputate ligula ornare eget. Nunc facilisis erat at ligula blandit tempor. Mauris iaculis magna ipsum, sit amet pretium risus dictum cursus. Morbi id massa sed risus eleifend rutrum. Mauris lorem diam, fermentum sed lorem ac, maximus efficitur sapien. Aenean condimentum ornare
Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor. Donec ornare, est sed tincidunt placerat, sem mi suscipit mi, at varius enim sem at sem. Fusce tempus ex nibh, eget vulputate ligula ornare eget. Nunc facilisis erat at ligula blandit tempor. Mauris iaculis magna ipsum, sit amet pretium risus dictum cursus. Morbi id massa sed risus eleifend rutrum. Mauris lorem diam, fermentum sed lorem ac, maximus efficitur sapien. Aenean condimentum ornare
Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor. Donec ornare, est sed tincidunt placerat, sem mi suscipit mi, at varius enim sem at sem. Fusce tempus ex nibh, eget vulputate ligula ornare eget. Nunc facilisis erat at ligula blandit tempor. Mauris iaculis magna ipsum, sit amet pretium risus dictum cursus. Morbi id massa sed risus eleifend rutrum. Mauris lorem diam, fermentum sed lorem ac, maximus efficitur sapien. Aenean condimentum ornare
The new SETIN website will be soon online. Then, Ecolinfa and SETIN is opening and strengthening their social media tools. Ecolinfa has already a Facebook page , has recently opened a twitter account and will be open soon an Instagram account. SETIN is going to open twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts.
SETIN has joined ENGEKO, a permanent consortium active in engineering services. Engeko is specialised in specific areas, with a view to offering integrated services through a common work procedure capable of increasing the quality of products, optimising timeframes and results. Due to its use of the very latest technologies and know-how, Engeko can tackle any design challenge at the global level with great expertise and reliability. Based in Rome, Engeko offers services for infrastructure, architecture and civil engineering, the environment,
SETIN is currently involved in the “Front End Engineering and Design for the Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India Gas Pipeline” Project, on behalf of SIM Spa and thanks to the collaboration with Mr. Giorgio Coppola, the geologist in charge. SETIN will carry on the GIS activities, including data catalogue construction, analysis and elaboration of thematic maps.
In this period Ecolinfa is shifting its attention and energies towards the design of international projects. Specifically, Ecolinfa is working on projects design under GEF, LIFE Programme, MED Programme and other EU funds. The most important themes on this activity are biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, sustainable financing, sustainable tourism, with specific focuses on small islands and marine-coastal zones.
The Global Environment Facility (GEF), has financed a project for “Advancing sustainable resource management to improve livelihoods and protect biodiversity”. The Project Objective is “to effectively and sustainably use biodiversity and maintain ecosystem goods and services in Palau by building institutional capacity to integrate the Palau Protected Area Network (PAN) with the Sustainable Land Management (SLM) initiative, and fostering a ridge‐to‐reef approach across and within these initiatives. So, ecosystem services are one of the themes addressed in this
Italy has an historical partnership with the PSIDS (Pacific Small Islands Developing States), including Palau. For example, in 2015, permanent missions from Palau and Italy organized, with the support of the Global Partnerships Forum and of the Sustainable Oceans Alliance the forum Healthy oceans and seas: a way forward while Telespazio, a company of the Italian Finmeccanica Group, signed a memorandum of understanding on earth observation with the Republic of Palau. The Italian Minister of the Environment supports Palau in the
The Micronesia Challenge is a commitment by the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Republic of Palau, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands to preserve the natural resources that are crucial to the survival of Pacific traditions, cultures and livelihoods. Thomas Remengesau Jr, President of the Republic of Palau, talking about the Micronesia Challenge, declared that “Environment is our Economy”. Palau has one of the largest portions of species that occurs nowhere