After more than 15 years of discussions, the United Nations has adopted, on June 19, 2023, the first-ever international treaty to govern the high seas and protect remote ecosystems vital to humanity. This historic agreement aims to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction, which cover over two-thirds of the ocean. Iconic marine species like whales, sharks, turtles, and tuna range freely between national waters and the high seas. The current low level of protection
For decades, countries across the Global South have been calling on rich countries to accept responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions that have increased global temperatures and resulted in irreversible damage across the world. Finally, at the 2022 UNFCCC conference of the parties (COP27), world leaders agreed to a dedicated “loss and damage” fund providing financial assistance to poor nations affected by climate disasters. The key rationale for providing reparations related to loss and damage from climate change is based on justice.
The coastal region of Guinea-Bissau is long and forested, bordered by mangrove swamps with estuaries extending far inland, while the hinterland of the country features plains and hills with savannah areas further east. According to Guinea-Bissau’s National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA), the primary drivers of the climate vulnerability of the coastal areas and communities are physical exposure, dependence on agriculture and fishing as main livelihood options, and poor governance. Low-elevation coastal zones stand out as one of Guinea-Bissau’s indicators of
Biodiversity supports everything in nature that we need to survive, including food to clean water. From the plants, animals, insects, fungi to bacteria, biodiversity creates the intricate ecosystems we rely on. Renowned economist Sir Partha Dasgupta believes governments must integrate ecosystem services into calculations of economic health to reduce resource exploitation and promote a healthy relationship between humanity and nature. This argument for “inclusive wealth” forms the basis of Dasgupta’s Economics of Biodiversity, a landmark report that is
The project Life SEPOSSO (LIFE16 GIE/IT/000761), “Supporting Environmental governance for the POSidonia oceanica Sustainable transplanting Operations”, coordinated by ISPRA, and carried out with the contribution of the European Commission, aims to improve the Italian Governance of the Posidonia oceanic transplants, marine habitat priority 1120* sensu Habitat Directive (1992/43/EEC), implemented to compensate the damages caused by coastal works and infrastructures. The project is based on the cooperation between numerous stakeholders which realize and apply good practices and innovative software tools, that
Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor. Donec ornare, est sed tincidunt placerat, sem mi suscipit mi, at varius enim sem at sem. Fusce tempus ex nibh, eget vulputate ligula ornare eget. Nunc facilisis erat at ligula blandit tempor. Mauris iaculis magna ipsum, sit amet pretium risus dictum cursus. Morbi id massa sed risus eleifend rutrum. Mauris lorem diam, fermentum sed lorem ac, maximus efficitur sapien. Aenean condimentum ornare
Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor. Donec ornare, est sed tincidunt placerat, sem mi suscipit mi, at varius enim sem at sem. Fusce tempus ex nibh, eget vulputate ligula ornare eget. Nunc facilisis erat at ligula blandit tempor. Mauris iaculis magna ipsum, sit amet pretium risus dictum cursus. Morbi id massa sed risus eleifend rutrum. Mauris lorem diam, fermentum sed lorem ac, maximus efficitur sapien. Aenean condimentum ornare
Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor. Donec ornare, est sed tincidunt placerat, sem mi suscipit mi, at varius enim sem at sem. Fusce tempus ex nibh, eget vulputate ligula ornare eget. Nunc facilisis erat at ligula blandit tempor. Mauris iaculis magna ipsum, sit amet pretium risus dictum cursus. Morbi id massa sed risus eleifend rutrum. Mauris lorem diam, fermentum sed lorem ac, maximus efficitur sapien. Aenean condimentum ornare
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