Project area: PN Lagoa de Cufada, PN de Cantanhez, Corredor de Cuntabane, PN de Dulombi, Corredor Salifo, Corredor de Tchetche, Parque de Boe (total area: 600.000 ha).
Consortium: MAVA, IBAP, Bioguiné Foundation, local NGOs.
Main project topic: biodiversity conservation, ecological connectivity, alternative and sustainable livelihoods, socio-economic and ecological monitoring and evaluation, environmental restoration and reforestation, climate adaptation, public services for local communities.
Main activities:
- facilitating a participatory consultation process
- elaborating, on behalf of the Consortium, the complete submission package required by the LLF (Project Concept, Logical Framework and Budget), with the contribution of all interested actors
- accompanying the Consortium during the revision of the submission package