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397789_10201008470722379_561451148_nALESSANDRO PIAZZI
Biologist with 17 years’ experience, Alessandro has an extensive experience in project management and project innovation, applying networking technologies in biodiversity conservation, impact assessment, planning and sustainable and green growth.
He has also experience in project design, ecosystem services, sustainable tourism, human dimension and local strategies for green development.
He’s currently the national secretary and project coordinator  of FederTrek, Italian Federation of Hiking Associations.
member of: FederTrek | ONB | MAcademy | Natur-Lab


giacomo-cozzolinoGIACOMO COZZOLINO

Environmental professional with 16 years’ experience, Giacomo has an excellent experience in project management, advocacy and technical advisory in the fields of biodiversity conservation, impact assessment, planning and sustainable and green growth. He works in international institutions’ projects (EU, UNDP, GEF) in Africa, Europe and Pacific.
He has also an extensive experience in teaching and cross-cutting capacity building, for international institutions and Italian academia.
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