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The European Ecosystem Services Conference 2016


The European Ecosystem Services Conference 2016 was held in Antwerp, Belgium, from the 19th to the 23rd of September. More than 600 participants attended the conference, organized in cooperation with the OpenNESS , OPERAs and ECOPLAN projects, the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP), at the University of Antwerp.

The theme Helping nature to help us focused on the important role that healthy ecosystems play in supporting human well-being and the protection of nature

The Conference included about 60 sessions, with hundreds of presentations, plenary sessions with keynote speakers, poster sessions, excursions and a conference dinner.

The parallel sessions were divided in clusters on the basis of the topics: Biome sessions, Capacity building/networking sessions, Generic/regional based sessions, Policy and business related sessions, Sessions related to projects/processes, Thematic sessions, Other sessions.