The final TartaLife conference has been held on Friday, September 20 at the Seebay Hotel in Portonovo (AN). All the project partners have been illustrated the activities carried out and the results achieved in these 6 years of the project will participate. In addition some representatives of local authorities, fishermen and also various experts on the theme of sea turtles conservation, have attended the conference.
The TartaLife main results are:
- 100% reduction of turtle bycatch obtained with TEDs,
- 100% reduction of turtle bycatch obtained with UV-LED lamps and collapsible fish pots,
- 30% reduction of turtle bycatch obtained using circle hooks, with reduction of direct mortality,
- more than 1.500 turtles rescued by TartaLife centers,
- more than 5000 public events.
Alessandro has been the Project Manager of TartaLife.