In February of 2020, Liberia formally began this journey towards developing national System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). The Liberia Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in partnership with other governmental agencies, and support from Conservation International, started implementation of the GEF-funded project Conservation and Sustainable Use of Liberia’s Coastal Natural Capital (the GEF NCA Liberia Project). The key objective of this five-year project is to improve conservation and sustainable use of Liberia’s coastal natural capital by mainstreaming the value of nature into Liberia’s development trajectory.
The project has the following components:
- Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) in coastal ecosystems;
- innovative financing schemes for conserving coastal natural capital; and
- community incentives to conserve and sustainably manage natural capital in coastal ecosystems.
More information about this project can be accessed by clicking here.
SETIN is responsible for the Mid-Term Evaluation of this project. During this week, Giacomo Cozzolino was on a field visit in Liberia. The national consultant, John Solunta Smith, also participated in the mission.
The Mid-term Evaluation will determine progress being made toward the achievement of outcomes and will identify course correction if needed, will highlight issues requiring decisions and actions, and will present initial lessons learned about project design, implementation and management. Findings and recommendations of the Mid-term Review will be incorporated to secure maximum project results and sustainability during the second half of project implementation.