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Validation Workshop for the “Transforming Productivity in Palau’s Food Systems through Nature Positive Innovations” GEF Project

In alignment with our ongoing commitment to enhancing sustainability and fostering innovation within Palau’s food systems, we are delighted to announce the successful execution of the Validation Workshop for the “Transforming Productivity in Palau’s Food Systems through Nature Positive Innovations” project. This crucial gathering, held on the 14th of May at the Palasia Hotel, represents a pivotal milestone for this GEF Child Project, under the auspices of the GEF-funded Blue and Green Islands Integrated Program (BGI IP), with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as the GEF Agency.

The project team was represented by Giacomo Cozzolino, PPG team. Leader. The workshop was led by Ms. Charlene Mersai, GEF Operational Focal Point for Palau. The primary goal of this workshop was to finalize all key elements of the project design and to ensure consensus and support from all key stakeholders.

The key outcomes of the workshop included:

  1. Finalize negotiations on co-financing and budget allocations with principal project partners;
  2. Explain next steps in the GEF project cycle, including drafting grant agreement, agency approval, and project implementation;
  3. Managing expectations around timing and funding;
  4. Conclude the GEF Operational Focal Point (OFP) review process, as mandated by Palau’s internal OFP procedures, conducted by the relevant government ministry.

Participation at the Validation Workshop was limited to project partners that have had an active role in the project development to date and/or are receiving GEF funding during execution. This may include: the Project Development Team, executing partners, relevant government ministries, and the OFP