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ENV Editor

About Ines Riberio

This author Ines Riberio has created 54 entries.

Climate change is intensifying, along with climate disasters

Despite recent progress made in #DRR, the danger of leaving hundreds of communities behind is still real. How can we build resilient communities? You can find more in the video that showcase the relationship and impact of early warning systems on reducing disaster risk. Climate change is intensifying, along with climate disasters! The Southern Africa region is occasionally affected by disasters such as Floods and Cyclones. Moreover, the lack of coping capacity against disasters puts the region at high vulnerability against

SETIN developed a Strategic Environmental Assessments and Appropriate Assessments on Nature 2000 sites

The global decline of biodiversity poses fundamental risks to human well-being. It threatens our food and water security, jeopardizes our physical and mental health, weakens our economies, increases fragility, heightens the risk of conflict and exacerbates the climate crisis. The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) sets out an ambitious plan to implement broad-based action to bring about a transformation in society’s relationship with biodiversity, ensuring that by 2050 the shared vision of ‘living in harmony with nature’ is fulfilled. Read

COP 27 is around the corner

COP 27 is less than 2 months away. What to expect in Egypt, from 6 to 18 November 2022? Glasgow last year, has reiterated the centrality of finance as a catalyst for progress on all aspects of the global climate agenda, and now attention is focused on how COP 27 will manage to mobilize financing tools to realize the commitment of different governments. More information about COP 27 here. Climate adaptation finance is the cornerstone for implementing climate actions and

SETIN was recently contracted for the elaboration of the “Development and Integrated Management Plan for the RBABB”

The Bolama Bijagós Archipelago Biosphere Reserve (RBABB) on the West African coast, in Guinea-Bissau. The archipelago is made up of 88 islands and islets covering a total surface of 1 046 950 hectares. The RBABB includes several protected areas, such as the Urok Islands Community Marine Protected Area (AMCIU), Orango Islands National Park (PNO) and João Vieira and Poilão National Marine Park (PNMJVP). The Bolama Bijagós archipelago is particularly known for its extensive mangrove forests, the population of hippos that roam free on