Category:Biodiversity Finance, Environmental Governance

Consultancy on the natural resources governance framework of Guinea-Bissau. Sector involved: fisheries, land and soil, biodiversity and protected areas, water resources, agriculture and rural development, forestry resources, environmental assessment, mining, maritime space and fisheries, climate change, waste and pollution.
Specific activities:
– coordination of the team;
– stakeholder engagement;
– preparation and revision of the reports.
Main topics/outputs:
– Benchmarking analysis with other countries;
– Analysis of the legal framework
– Analysis of the statutory and customary laws, policies, norms
– Analysis of the environmental financial institutions (national environmental fund and biodiversity conservation trust fund) and the general financial framework for the environment and climate change adaptation and mitigation
– Accountability and transparency of institution managing natural resources
– Identification of needs and capacity gaps
– Identification and prioritization of actionable interventions and pathways
– Development of a governance framework for natural resources
– Advocacy Plan