Ecolinfa experts actively participated in the preparation of the full proposal of CORALIFE Project. The main objective of CORALIFE is to maintain and restore the marine biodiversity of reef habitats in Civitavecchia and Argentario M. coastal areas (Italy), included in the “Habitats Directive” under the code 1170 “Reef”. The project actions will restore the habitat through the recovery, maintenance and restocking of coralligenous species that are accidentally caught as bycatch during fishing activities. The project will defend unregulated diving activities,
“Every season, pollination from honey bees, native bees, and flies deliver billions of dollars (U.S.) in economic value” Forbes writes. According to the USDA, one colony of honey bees is worth 100 times more to the community than to the beekeeper — meaning the value they deliver extends well beyond their actual price. Ecosystem Services provided by pollinators are very important at global level and we have considered them in our ecosystem services economic valuations.
SETIN is part of a consortium made of academia and economic operators, which has submitted a proposal under the last Horizon 2020 call on “BUILDING A LOW-CARBON, CLIMATE RESILIENT FUTURE: SECURE, CLEAN AND EFFICIENT ENERGY”. The Project Proposal addresses the work programme topic “Decarbonisation of the EU building stock: innovative approaches and affordable solutions changing the market for buildings renovation”. It is based on energy optimization of existing residential buildings taking into consideration climate change. Alessandro has prepared the Project Proposal in cooperation
In the whole of the planned events in Ischia (NA), last 27 September in the port of the city, M.EDU.S.A s.r.l. of Alessandra Benini hosted the meeting “Restoring e Governance” organized by LIFE SEPOSSO at the “Navigando verso Aenaria” multimedia room, in Ischia Ponte. The “Regno di Nettuno” Marine Protected Area, the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, the Life ROC-POP project, the Horizon 2020 MERCES project and the Interreg SASPAS project participated in the event. The aim of the meeting
The final TartaLife conference has been held on Friday, September 20 at the Seebay Hotel in Portonovo (AN). All the project partners have been illustrated the activities carried out and the results achieved in these 6 years of the project will participate. In addition some representatives of local authorities, fishermen and also various experts on the theme of sea turtles conservation, have attended the conference. The TartaLife main results are: 100% reduction of turtle bycatch obtained with TEDs, 100% reduction of turtle bycatch obtained
Sector Dialogues are a cooperation instrument aimed at reinforcing the strategic partnership between the EU and Brazil, based on the principles of reciprocity, complementarity and mutual interest. Dialogues address to enhance exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices at technical and political level, around key areas of interest for both sides. This instrument is supporting the development of a cooperation initiative in the field of sustainable forestry in Brazil, focused on technical-scientific cooperation between different institutions. The overall objective of this
The 10th conference of Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) will take place in Hanover, Germany, between the 21st and the 25th of October. The ESP10 conference locations are the Leibniz University for the opening day on Monday, and the Hannover Congress Centre for the rest of the conference. The conference program will include seven key-notes speeches and about fifty sessions. More than 600 delegates from all over the world will attend the conference. Giacomo will represent Ecolinfa and he will present an abstract on
📍 Sono aperte le iscrizioni per la SUMMER SCHOOL “I fondi europei per la salvaguardia dell’ambiente ed il contrasto ai cambiamenti climatici” in collaborazione con Setin Srl. I docenti saranno Giacomo Cozzolino ed Alessandro Piazzi 🌳 Obiettivo delle 20 ore sarà fornire ai partecipanti le basi conoscitive sulle politiche europee nel settore ambiente e cambiamenti climatici, inclusi i principali strumenti di finanziamento e l’approccio per la preparazione di un’idea progettuale a valere sui fondi europei 👉 E’ possibile scaricare
Molte nazioni, nella loro più recente strategia e piano di azione sulla biodiversità, riportano che la mancanza di risorse finanziarie rappresenta uno dei maggiori ostacoli all’attuazione delle politiche di conservazione e alla gestione effettiva delle aree protette. Malgrado le risorse finanziarie disponibili siano aumentate dal 1992, anno della Convenzione di Rio, ad oggi, la maggior parte delle nazioni non sono in grado di attuare le azioni necessarie a raggiungere gli obiettivi della Convenzione sulla Biodiversità Biologica. Negli ultimi anni sono stati realizzati numerosi studi sul
Legambiente ONLUS organizza un corso avanzato sui servizi ecosistemici, il finanziamento delle aree protette ed i Pagamenti per i Servizi Ecosistemici (PES) Lo scopo del corso è potenziare la capacità delle amministrazioni pubbliche per attivare processi di finanziamento degli interventi rivolti alla conservazione della natura in Italia e all’estero attraverso attività di capacity building. Il presente corso ha l’obiettivo di fornire ai partecipanti una visione generale sui Servizi Ecosistemici e, allo stesso tempo, fornire gli strumenti per attuare tali politiche in maniera