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Round table on the experimental transplantation of Posidonia oceanica at Priolo Gargallo

As part of the events planned in the Augusta Bay between 9th and 13th July, for the meetings between stakeholders involved in the management of Posidonia oceanica transplants in the four study sites LIFE SEPOSSO organized a round table held in Augusta (SR). The round table aimed at discussing the main aspects concerning the management of Posidonia oceanica transplants, with a specific focus on those transplants carried out as a measure of environmental recovery in areas such as

Sustainable Management of Forestry Resources in the Tarrafes de Cacheu National Park (Guinee-Bissau)

The Sustainable Management of Forestry Resources in the Tarrafes de Cacheu National Park Project, co-financed by the European Union, has been implemented during the period 2012-2017. The project, known also as Projeto Gestão Sustentável dos Recursos Florestais do Parque Natural dos Tarrafes do rio Cacheu – GSRF-PNTC (locally: “No Matu i no Firkidja”) aims to manage and conserve forests in this park, located in the northern part of the Country. The main project objectives have been: updating and strengthening

Safeguarding biodiversity from Invasive Alien Species in the Federated States of Micronesia

A team of consultants has recently visited the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) for the consultative meetings needed to prepare the “Safeguarding biodiversity from Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in the FSM” GEF Project. The project aims to safeguard biodiversity in terrestrial and marine ecosystems and in agricultural and fisheries production systems from the impacts of invasive alien species in the Federated States of Micronesia. The main project outcomes include: strengthening of the national biosecurity governance framework, institutionalized and aligned with

Validation Workshop of the Payments for Ecosystem Services Strategy in Ethiopia

The PES (Payments for Ecosystem Services) Strategy has been discussed during the workshop held in Addis Ababa on last Monday and organized by UNDP and the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MEFFC). During the Validation Workshop, moderated by the Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, H.E. Dr. Gemedo Dalle, challenges and opportunities on PES have been debated. The workshop has been introduced by the key-note speeches from the same Minister, the State Minister of Minister of

Ethiopia may introduce payments for ecosystem services

Ethiopia may introduce payments for ecosystem services, as reported by Capital Ethiopia website. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change of Ethiopia has started, during the Autumn of 2017, a study to charge fees from different companies and individuals who directly and indirectly generate income by using the natural resources of the Country. Before, the GEF has financed the “Mainstreaming Incentives for Biodiversity Conservation in the Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy (CRGE)” project, also known as MIBC. MIBC’s Outcome 2 will pilot

The Second Report on the state of Natural Capital in Italy

The Italian Minister for the Environment, Gian Luca Galletti, has sent the second edition of the Report on the State of Natural Capital in Italy – 2018 to the President of the Council of Ministers and the Minister of Economy. In Italy, the value of ecosystem services associated with natural capital is significant. For example, the economic value associated with the quality of habitats is € 13.5 billion, while the value of recreational ecosystem services (non-tourism) is around €

Global Register of Introduce and Invasive Species (GRIIS)

The first global register of alien species shows that a fifth of 6,400 plants and animals catalogued are causing harm. Some of the biggest factors in their spread are ballast water in ships for marine species and trade in ornamental plants on land, scientists say. They released data for 20 countries this week, with the aim of completing the register by the end of the year. Invasive species are living things that are not native to an ecosystem.


The goal of the LIFE SEPOSSO project is to carry out activities (in compliance with the 2015 European Directive on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the 2014 Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) Directive) that support the restoration of P. oceanica meadows that have been destroyed by infrastructural marine works, using in particular information systems and information tools. The main objective of the project is to create an electronic information system to measure and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of


THE CSMON-LIFE PROJECT is the first LIFE project of citizen science on biodiversity that has involved citizens in the study, management and conservation of biodiversity, creating an active collaboration between citizens, the scientific community and institutions. Ecolinfa experts have contributed to the achievement of the results of the following campaigns and have supported the administrative management of the project. Global warming campaign Objectives The main aim was to raise citizen awareness on climate change, one of the