Africa is currently facing a dramatic surge in wildlife trafficking:
Formulation, Design, Evaluation, Project Management
(Donors: GEF, EU, UNDP and others)
Strategies, Management Plans, Surveys, Studies, Assessments
Environmental Economics and Finance
Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Appropriate Assessment
Data referred to the experience of the company and its associates
Experience of the company and its associates
Consultancy on the natural resources governance framework of
The study, carried out under the “Strengthening the
The Italia-Tunisia Program includes actions in many sectors
The ERDF includes actions in many sectors of
Project area: PN Lagoa de Cufada, PN de
Consultancy concerning the following aspects and activities: development
Project cofinanced by the EU and the Instituto
Study carried out under the “Managing mangrove and
Project objective: To improve conservation and sustainable use
Drafting of the RBABB Integrated Management Plan. Activities:
SEA of the Formia Municipality Urban Management Plan
Environmental Impact Assessment for the authorization of 5
Drafting of the National Park Management Plan and
Field surveys, drafting of the Environmental Report, drafting
CSMON-LIFE (Citizen Science MONitoring) is one of the
Survey to quantify the size of the population,
Identification of rendez-vous sites through the wolf-howling technique
Research and critical analysis on the density and
Land cover mapping of the coastal area of
Construction of the cognitive framework relating to environmental
Implementation of the geodatabase of all actions foreseen
Field surveys, collecting data on plant species, assessment
The project aims at addressing Aichi Biodiversity Target
Analysis of seaside and nautical tourist attendance in
The project aimed at reducing the impact of
The project aims at creating a free, online
Implementation of an information system, including a dedicated
The project aimed at creating of a Web
Field surveys, collecting and laboratory analysis of polluters
Field surveys, collecting and laboratory analysis of polluters
The Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE)
In.FLOW.ence is a three-year project funded by the
GIS analysis to asses the fire risck and
GIS support for the preparation of the atlas
Diachronic analysis of the vegetation to analyse the
Diachronic analysis of the vegetation to analyse the
GIS analysis and mapping to define the landscape
GIS analysis to support the analysis and assessment
Framework Agreement including the following activities: – specialist
Examine existing revenue sources and gaps for protected
Leading the project team to explore new financing
Terminal Evaluation of the Long-term financial mechanism to
Preparation of 10 Management Plans for the Italian
Assignment under the “Project to reduce the impacts
Analysis and statistics on Nature 2000 protected areas
Feasibility study on environmental accounting in Guinea-Bissau under
Framework contract with Terna Spa to provide support
Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Plan involving many
The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) procedure, which accompanies
Strategic Environmental Assessment of two urban plans to
Giacomo Cozzolino provided consultancy services for the Integrated
The Life Caretta Calabria project aims at implementing
The Management Plans aims at identify the conservation
This rationalization aims at modify the electric grid
Giacomo Cozzolino provided Technical Assistance and Preparation of
Giacomo Cozzolino provided high-level technical support in view
Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are the greatest threat
“A through communication strategy, that involves all sectors,
TartaLife project aims at reducing sea turtle mortality
The project objective is to mainstream biodiversity conservation
The project Life SEPOSSO, “Supporting Environmental governance for
The Co.Me.Bi.S. (Conservation Measures for Biodiversity of Central-Mediterranean
Elaboration of a Catalogue of best practices and
Final Evaluation of the Gestão sustentável dos Recursos
Giacomo Cozzolino is an Environmental Evaluator of Projects
Evaluation of the results, the foreseen effects and
Technical Assistance: tourism development; landscape and territorial analysis
The project aims to support governmental bodies in
The consultancy, has been developed by Giacomo Cozzolino
The ports policy is a priority in Europe
The PES (Payments for Ecosystem Services) Strategic Plan
Africa is currently facing a dramatic surge in wildlife trafficking:
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